
Falling Petals


08-04-2013, 08:26 PM
Kaveh Kyra

His sister's enthusiastic reply made the brute laugh, turning his head to tug at her own ear in response as she hopped up to put her paws on his back. Even though they were the same age, Kaveh had always felt like the older brother. Maybe it was his bigger size, maybe it was his need to protect her and watch after her. Whatever it was, he felt that big brother feeling then as she playfully tugged at his ear. He chuckled and poked at her side with his nose, nudging her off of him. "Alright, alright, lets see what we can find."

He trotted off at an easy pace, making sure his sister stayed at his shoulder. It was a lovely day. The afternoon sun warmed his fur and the gentle breeze carried the many scents of the wildflowers around them. After a while they came across a stream that cut through the prairie. He bent his head and lapped at the cool water, looking over at Elysia with a happy sigh. He didn't think the stream was deep enough to support fish, but he was sure if there was any fish his sister would find them. She had always been very good at catching fish.

His ears pricked when he heard movement near by, a shuffle in the tall grasses. He turned his seafoam gaze in its direction. A little ways away from them was a small doe, clearly distracted by the abundance of food the prairie offered. He glanced at Ely, giving her a smirk as he took his chance. He crouched down below the height of the grass, creeping quietly toward their future meal. When he was only a couple of feet away he slowed to a crawl, getting as close as possible. At the last second the deer noticed him, turning tail and attempting to run away. He lept out of the grass, getting a firm bite on the doe's hind leg. His prey stumbled as he jerked back on its leg, tripping it to the ground. With a quick leap he reached its throat, taking a crushing bite. The deer fought against him for a few moments, but soon it was laying dead. He licked the blood of his muzzle with a triumphant grin, looking around for Ely so they could eat.
