
Not Your Average Physical

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-30-2021, 12:36 AM

It took him a while to decide if this was actually real or if he was caught in some kind of dream. It certainly felt like a crazy dream with Syanna sneaking into his room in the middle of the night like this, but feeling her fur against his paws felt too real to believe it was a dream. He listened to her explanation of how she had been thinking because of her not being able to sleep and gave the excuse that she had to complete her final exam as his doctor for his injury - to which he gave her a skeptical look. Before he could ask the obvious question of why she had to do it right now and not in the morning, she seemed to read his mind and tell him that it it couldn't wait and then instructed him to stay on his side. "Um... okay," he muttered with a chuckle. It wasn't like he really had much of a choice since she was already pulling herself up onto the bed beside him before the response had even left his mouth. She settled at his side, but from where he was laying and how she was sitting all he could really see was her tail, butt, and part of her back. Her scent completely filled his nose and made his face flush, his ears flicking as he laid his head back on the bed to try and hold still while her paw moved along his side.

Her paws moving along his side and feeling at his rips started to leave little tingles of warm electricity along his skin and his toes flexed on reflex, silently thankful that his paws were out of her view and not the focus of her attention. Her tail fanning her scent right next to his face was intoxicating and he had to wonder if she was doing this on purpose or not. "Um... Uh, no, no I haven't," he managed to her questions when she asked him about having any aches and pains. Her paws pressed around where he had been injured but he didn't feel anything out of the ordinary - well, not with his side at least. Everything that had been pent up back at the falls quickly returned while he continued to be surrounded with her scent, all of it starting to settle between his thighs again. He tried really hard not to, but he couldn't help but shift slightly in some effort to make himself a bit more comfortable, hoping maybe that Syanna wouldn't notice.

"Everything check out, doctor?" he asked after a moment, while he tried to resist the urge to look at her butt and failed horribly. He kept sneaking little glances at her, the moonlight coming in through the window accenting her curves with how the shadows highlighted where her sides dipped. He kept thinking about holding her and how good it had felt to have her so close and how much he wanted to hold her like that again... And before he could really think rationally about what he was doing, he sat up some to wrap his foreleg around her waist, pulling her down to lay on her side beside him, wrapping his forelegs around her like he had at he falls. His heart was already beating hard while she was giving him her exam, but now that he was holding her body to his it felt like it was doing flips in his chest. "Did you really come here to give me a check up?" he asked softly, a little smirk tugging at his lips, lowering his head to leave a soft kiss on her lips.

Ezra Adravendi