
Not Your Average Physical

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-30-2021, 04:04 PM

Ezra was a well behaved patient and didn't squirm or move too much while she was busy inspecting his healed injury. She did notice the way he stammered his words some when he answered her, and she saw him shift his hind legs like he was getting more than a little uncomfortable. A sly smirk touched her lips knowing exactly what he was doing, her emerald eyes lingering on those powerful thighs as curiosity twinged in her mind as to what he was hiding down there. He didn't respond with any signs of pain or discomfort when she probed his side, and given that he didn't report any pains, reactions, or other symptoms, she felt comfortable confirming he had healed. "You'll probably have a hell of a scar, but you're fully healed," she answered his question about his condition. Syanna bit her lip, looking over his lower half again and silently wondering if she'd be able to convince Ezra to allow her to give him a full over physical just to get more paws on with him. He might have been dopey and slow on the uptake, but he wasn't stupid.

Turned out that Syanna didn't need to think of an excuse to continue touching him, as no sooner had she answered his question and pronounced him healed, she felt the mattress shift with Ezra's weight as the large wolf sat up suddenly, and then she was in his arms again. Syanna gasped in surprise when she felt a singular powerful foreleg wind around her waist and pull her down to the bed with him like she weighed nothing. Syanna's heart skipped beat after beat while she found herself on her side and wrapped up in his arms, rich verdant eyes blinking until they met and held his sky blue jewels. A wide smile crept across her lips while she pressed her smaller paws to his broad chest, feeling his racing heart just beneath her touch while he held her tight to him just like he had done back at the falls. That burning ache got infinitely worse in this position, a heated emptiness deep inside her begging to be filled and cooled. Ezra had everything to offer her the relief her body demanded.

She snickered and shot him an innocent grin blended with a less than innocent gleam in her green eyes when he asked if this was really why she'd come to his bedroom in the middle of the night. She ran her paws over his chest, dainty digits parting his fur to stroke over the smooth planes of muscle wherever she could reach. His scent, strength, and warmth surrounded her, overwhelming her, making her feel like she was overdosing on the most exquisite drug in the world. "You're not so dopey after all, Speckles," she remarked with a titter in her purring voice.

Her pulse raced in her veins while she pulled herself closer to him, pressing every inch of her chest and belly to his, going so far to give a languid stretch of her hind leg up over his side, looking as if to wrap it around his waist, though with their size difference it was more akin to resting her thigh over his side. She murred quietly under her breath when he kissed her, feeling that electric fire frying her nerves all over her body, and Syanna gave a little whine of protest when it ended too soon, already reaching her muzzle up to give little licks and kisses to the end of his muzzle. "You've got me all wrapped up in your arms, in your bed, pressed up close to you, all alone in the middle of the night... Looks like you've got something in mind for us, Ezra."

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.