
Not Your Average Physical

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-30-2021, 05:15 PM

Maybe it was good that she had come here unexpectedly like this and had caught him off guard while he was groggy from getting pulled from a deep sleep. It kept him from overthinking everything and questioning his every move and let him do things like pull her down to lay with him on the bed and pull her tight to him without second guessing if it was something he should be doing. It wasn't until after he did it that he started to wonder if he had gone too far or if he would make her uncomfortable, but as soon as she mentioned how he wasn't so dopey with this look in her eyes that made his heart skip he knew she approved after all. Her paws moving across his chest and her body pressing tighter to his with her leg draping over his side took his breath away while he was suddenly engulfed in this fiery desire and need. His forelegs held her tighter, leaving not an inch of space between any part of them from their chests to their stomachs, a grin across his lips while he looked at her with his mix of awe and lust. He had never felt anything like this before and even though he didn't know exactly what to do he just knew he wanted as much of this beautiful, feisty wolf he was holding like his life depended on it.

He chuckled softly when she pointed out the position they were in and said how he had something in mind for them, already a little breathless from how this desire burning him up was making him breathe heavier with his heart pounding away in his chest. He didn't know the mechanics of everything, so to speak, but his instincts hadn't led him astray yet so he tried to let himself follow those for now, every part of her overwhelming his senses and driving him onward. "I just know I need you..." he said softly against her lips before he kissed her again, more deeply and insistently this time, his eyes fluttering closed with a soft murr rumbling in his chest. That feeling between his thighs became impossible to ignore, making him shift and squirm, pulling her into him until their hips met and he could press against her, a gasp escaping him and forcing him to break their kiss. The warmth and softness of her against parts of him that had never been touched by anyone else sent a shiver through him and he lost any kind of conscious thought, all of his thoughts over taken by Syanna. He needed her, every part of her.

He rolled them over to make things a little easier, holding himself over her and blinking open his eyes so that pale blue could find emerald green again. He gave her a little grin, while he gazed at her with adoration and desire. He was already falling hard for her and this moment only seemed to cement that in his mind. His foreleg wrapped around her waist, holding her steady while he settled himself over her, kissing her again and tasting the inside of her mouth, groaning quietly into their kiss with a hungry need that he was slowly learning and beginning to understand. It took some failed attempts and a bit of experimenting to get things right, but as soon as he melded them together into one the feeling made him gasp again, biting his lip to hold back a louder groan, the paw holding himself over her gripping at the furs under them. "Syanna..." he breathed against her lips before he completely lost himself in her, experiencing all of these firsts with her and falling ever more for her.

-- fade --

Ezra Adravendi