
Mama bear ain't happy




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-30-2021, 11:36 PM

Didn't this seem to be the way of it lately? Freshly healed Eska was out exploring after being trapped within the castle for so long. Freshly healed... but not fully healed. The woman was still tired and sore, but she was determined to get back into shape. The wounds in the side of her neck were big, nasty looking marks, but they no longer bled. The stitches had been removed, thanks to Gwyn.

Along with her new scars, Eska had two new companions. Ulric had purchased a female Malinois and a male Groendael for her. Two herding dogs to aid in the protection of the alpacas, but two dogs that would also fiercely defend their master. That had been his plan after Eska had been raped and beaten. She couldn't really argue the point with him. Besides, she rather liked having the dogs with her. They'd told her their own names. The thickly furred obsidian male was Baz. The black tipped fawn fae was Avaset. They were both kind and hard working. That was all that Eska could ask for.

A roar from up ahead had the dogs on high alert. Instinct told Eska to investigate, so they did. The trio parted the berried bushes just in time to see a mother bear rush Rudyard. Baz and Avaset didn't need to be told, they just acted. Yet another reason to like them. The dogs rushed in, jaws wide and barking. It startled the bear enough to make her stop pursuing the mottled boy, but she remembered her anger quickly. A heavy paw swiped out at the dogs and Eska rushed in to deliver a bite to the sows haunch, bringing the beast spinning and swiping at her instead. Golden eyes, her mothers eyes, stared over the back of the bear as she retreated, seeking out Rudyards form to make sure that he was okay.
