
Have We Lost Ourselves




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
07-31-2021, 09:03 AM

If Viper was like any other woman or wolf, she probably would have been gravely offended and regretful for the way Chimera responded. But she wasn't. Viper had been on her own for about five years, and Chimera may have had Siren but they weren't much different on the outlook of who was important to them. Honestly, Viper's brother would have been welcomed back into her life if they had ever crossed paths again. But it was never meant to be that way. Though Viper never thought of her brother or her parents. She didn't want to remember times like that. Mostly because they made her sad as much as she wouldn't have admitted it. Her life was perfect as a very young child. She had considered herself royalty, she was cared for by her parents, she had connections with her brother and with Jupiter. And thinking about her wonderful, happy life back then was just too traumatic to reminisce. It was much easier to just act like she never had that life before.

Her paws gently continued to rub around his shoulders as she still admired him, looking around his face and his body. Chimera had taught her so much, so much she didn't know and didn't know she needed. It was easy for her to forget the bad things. How he forced himself on her, how he was fucking the slaves. His hot head was similar to her own, so she couldn't complain much about that. But she only saw and took the good things which may have been beyond normal. Right after their argument she picked herself and went between him and the slave, she didn't take time to lay there and think about it. She avoided the thoughts, but it wasn't pent up inside of her to burst one day. There really was no reading her. "You ready to go back?"

"Chimera" -- "Viper"