
Splat! [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-31-2021, 01:27 PM

The rough swat of a pale paw against the lightly glowing water caused the disturbed area to flare brilliantly to life, before settling back to the gentle ebb and flow in tandem with the currents. Emerald eyes saw the shuffle of movement that indicated the dark furred boy intended to join him. He stooped to pluck up the catfish flopped over his forepaw, but paused when he caught the boy's voice. "Sure, my name is Áskell Klein by the way. Have you lived here in the swamp long?" the quizzical vocals thrummed in the late evening air. Moss dappled features curved into a warm grin as he replied. "Bog, good to meet ya. And yes, I've lived here my entire life. Born and raised in the mangroves, been on my own for close to a year now, unless you count Bug." he said, and promptly picked up his catfish. There was a strange fluidity to his movement as the mud-hued healer traipsed easily over the roots of the mangrove, broad paws finding purchase with a practiced ease. He did endeavour to slow his pace, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to make sure Áskell was still on his heels.

It really wasn't a long trip to reach the far bank that he lived beside, where the gentle curve of the water flowing deeper into the mangrove created a nice open space that only flooded in a particularly rough spring. A practiced leap from the nearby roots and onto the sandy shore, where he saw that bug had done an excellent job of keeping the fire stoked. Since bog was only occasionally capable of forethought, the large frog had been forced to drag the flat slab of slate out of storage so his companion could cook whatever he brought home. Now, the thin cooking platform was resting beside the steadily crackling fire, waiting for its prize. Upon noticing the stranger trailing after his companion, Bug began to quietly croak his anxieties into the cool night air. "Bring stranger. Less food. More danger." the amphibian warned, though his canine companion pointedly ignored the statement. He placed the catfish down, and looked over his shoulder to where Áskell was hopefully still close behind. "Make yourself comfortable, I have to grab a few things from my stores, be right back." he called out gently, expression softened with a friendly grin. Without further ado, he trotted into the yawning mouth of his den, dug into the space between the thick roots of an ancient, gnarled maple tree.

"speech" thinking "others"