
My Own Sick Pride




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
07-31-2021, 04:11 PM

It had been such a long time since she had caught her father's scent, and she was really starting to believe that he had left the continent completely or even the thought that he was dead had crossed her mind. She didn't let herself ponder on the thoughts too long, because deep down inside she knew she cared for her father. He was her only parental figure, really the only wolf she looked up to through her young life. That changed as his priorities changed. He had his eyes on the Lurid woman, and Relm knew little of the explanation until now. Well, she didn't really know much now but at least maybe a better understanding. She was able to see a different kind of relationship between wolves, she felt differently about Rhaegath...

But he was gone too, wasn't he? Relm could have believed that maybe she was the problem, but she didn't. She was a lot stronger than that. Maybe Rhaegath had disappeared in the same way she was expecting her father had. Left the continent, died, could have found another lady friend, she wasn't the only one to begin with. She didn't let it fester too badly inside, but she was pretty angry. And if she had ever come across him again, she would definitely let him have it. They both liked to get beat anyway, but she'd need to be more serious the next come around.

She wandered Boreas often, there wasn't much else to do on her own. She licked to pick fights if she could, she missed the feeling of his teeth in her, anyone's teeth. It really didn't matter who, as long as she got bit. But most days she suffered through alone. Hunting for survival, living in makeshift dens, she didn't call anywhere home now a days.

She avoided the deserts of the western lands as much as she could, but because she tended to stay in the north for the most part to evade the chance encounter with her father, she tended to come to the couple closer western lands that hosted water and prey well. She could have just wandered south, but it was nice to have an idea on where she was sleeping that night. That wasn't always the case when she went too far. Though she was considering it had been long enough that she didn't have to expect her father to show up. And maybe she could relocate into the east or the south, but there were also a lot of packs that had claimed that area too. There was a no win situation in her eyes. She didn't want to join a pack, she didn't want to stay in the north, and she didn't want to run into her father.

The clouds had started to roll in, which may have been odd for western lands but not the green luscious lands here. She knew of the cavern near by, but as the downpour started, she was beginning to lose her way. She was just running in a general direction, knowing that if she went north she would find the shelter she needed. Her cloak had kept her somewhat dry, but as pounding rain came down it wouldn't be long until she was completely soaked.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 547 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words
