
Not Your Average Physical

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-31-2021, 11:32 PM

Syanna knew why she had come here tonight. She knew what she was getting into and what she hoped to get out of their midnight encounter. So far, Ezra wasn't disappointing her. His forelegs wound tighter around her, keeping her body held so snug and protected against his, allowing her to savor the feel of his muscles tucked beneath thick fur, all pressed up against her in all the best ways. The way he looked at her made her heart do somersaults in her chest, recognizing nothing but lust and affection for her in those gorgeous blue eyes. They were such a far cry from the venomous ire and possessiveness she'd seen in the eyes of her intended mate. Ezra treated her better than any wolf ever had in her life—even better than she treated herself. She gripped tighter to his fur, taking in the sensations of him, from their fur mingling to his chest and stomach pressed to hers and his paws all over her body. The ache in her belly grew stronger, ravenous for this virile young brute. She'd never felt this way for anyone else before and she'd never felt such a desperate need for someone like she did with Ezra.

She listened to the way he breathed, each inhale and exhale ragged with that same urgent need she felt. His chuckle was breathy and broken, the poor boy sounding like he was barely holding onto himself to keep from letting loose on her. She was just as unfamiliar with the actions themselves, though she had gotten awfully close to learning them against her will. As a fae in her birth pack, she'd learned of sex and mating from a very young age, but this would be the first step into using those lessons, and she couldn't be more grateful that it was with a gentle soul like Ezra. He whispered that he needed her, and Syanna was barely able to whisper back, "I need you too," and then her mouth was being claimed by his in a much more intimate and passionate kiss. Syanna gave quiet moans of delight into his lips, green eyes vanishing behind eyelids while she gave herself up to the lust with him. Her paws caressed his face, cheeks, and neck while her tongue slid into his mouth to taste him, her back arching to press herself tighter to him still. It was like she couldn't get close enough to him no matter how much she tried.

While they made out, Syanna felt Ezra shift and squirm against her, but it didn't register in her lust-addled brain until she felt Ezra pull her hips into his, both of them breaking their mouths apart with surprised gasps. Syanna's body arched again as she felt him for the first time, toes curling and flexing to grip into his fur while she clung to his larger, stronger frame. He made her feel so petite, so sexy, so feminine, simply by existing and she loved it! The heat aching in her core radiated throughout her body, but settled between her legs, where Ezra was currently situated. The vulpine-like fae gasped quietly under her heavy breathing, a hot and airy panting replacing her regular breathing. Her forelegs wrapped around his neck while her paws reached behind his head to cling to his fur and play with his ears, just holding herself to him in preparation for what was coming. Her eyes fluttered, her teeth biting her lip while she pushed her hips slowly into his in a silent plea. She was ready for this.

Ezra rolled them so Syanna found herself on her back beneath the massive dire brute. She gasped quietly when she felt him press to her body again, emerald eyes peering up into the cool, loving blue of his in the darkness. She held his gaze like he was the only thing in her world, still holding and caressing his neck and head, never wanting to stop touching him. He grinned, that silly little grin that sent her heart into a tizzy and made him look so gods damned adorable! She smiled back up at him, marveling in how amazing he was to her. She didn't deserve this kind wolf. The moment his foreleg hooked around her waist and his body settled over hers, Syanna lifted her hips to press herself into him more insistently. She kissed him back, clutching onto his neck while her tongue danced with his, her own feminine sounds of pleasure mixing with his masculine groans in a chorus of their passion and desire.

It took Ezra a couple of tries and a few shimmies of his hips to get the right angle, but Syanna actually loved it. This clumsy and learning sex felt perfect for their first time and she wouldn't have traded it for the world. It felt so right for them, and the moment that Ezra found his mark and began to sink himself into her and fill her Syanna knew that this was it. This was how passion and romance and sex was supposed to feel. Not domineering, not commanding or degrading. It was about pleasure and heat and wanting one another more than anything else in the world. This perfect moment with this perfect brute was how love was supposed to be, not the violations she'd endured. No other wolf in the world had ever deserved her. Only Ezra.

Syanna gasped while Ezra melded their bodies together, rolling her hips up to meet his, cream paws clinging to his shoulders as airy moans slipped from her. Her name on his breathy voice was the sweetest sound in the world. She wanted to say his back in the same way, to speak the only thing on her mind as she gave herself to him and he took her, but the words never came out. All Syanna could do was gasp and moan as Ezra brought her to heights she'd never imagined possible, losing herself to him. She had thought she was falling for him at the falls, but the truth was she had already fallen for him long before. And now she was his—wholly and completely his.

- fade -

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.