
my momma done told me



08-04-2013, 09:59 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica waited for answers with baited breath, a breath which slowly but surely was released as the conversation began in earnest. Her mother had such a way of talking... Orica hoped she could be like that one day. Wise. Calm. Helpful. Not to mention pretty. Orica wasn't the vain sort or anything, but she kinda wished she'd been born with one red eye - just to be more like her momma - or maybe one gold eye so she could look like her dad. Oh! Where was her mind going? They were talking about important things here! She reapplied her focus.

"-I do think that a bad wolf can, if they choose, become good.-"

So there came the heart of the answer. It was what Orica wanted to hear, and more than that - it was delivered in a way that clicked with her own thoughts. Her own instincts. It made her feel that what she'd done and how she'd reacted had been alright. Still stupid in it's own way perhaps, but, morally, it was right.

"-Your father is an example of that, you know.-"

For a moment Orica's eyes stretched wide. Did that mean- no no no of course not. Her mother probably just meant that Dad had lied a couple of times or maybe even done something as bad as steal prey from another's pack land - the sort of things that he told them never to do. Those were naughty enough, of course, but no where near the caliber of crimes that Orica was talking about. Even if Ocena didn't understand completely, her words still meant mountains. Everything she said made sense, but it gave the girl hope. As the little medic sat before her mother's paws, she wondered what that all meant for Demyan. She wondered what he was doing out there. How his wounds were healing. Whether or not he kept his word and didn't forget her. "-trust yourself to know-" Ocena had said, well Orica didn't know anything about that yet. As far as she knew this was just a one time meet. A chance run in designed by fate and an angry moose.

"And why, my dear, do you ask?"

Orica practically flinched out of her thoughts. She was getting the full-on mother stare, and suddenly her mind just blanked. Of course her mother would ask that - it was a most natural thing to ask.... so why hadn't Orica come up with anything to say if she did?

Dang it. Why couldn't mothers ever give a little advice for free?

"Ummmm," It was the only thing that could come out of her mouth at first. It was times like these when little Orica wished she could be more like her silent cousin Cross - tight lipped and steady eyed. Her blue peepers were glancing all over the place nervously, finally just settling down at her paws like magnets. "Noooo particular reason."
