
like a tattoo


08-04-2013, 10:08 PM


She was almost asleep, almost, when the softest of plops hit her ears, and mismatched eyes flitted open to focus on a small pile of flowers. They were pretty enough, the female thought with a twitch of her ears, but it was it was what they promised (Gargoyle, to be precise) that brought a wide smile to her maw, and had Ocena tilting her head back to focus on the figure of Gargoyle, practically hanging upside down from the pillar she had curled up beneath. His words were pretty enough, like the floweres, but she loved what they meant even more. Lover. Lover. It was a more fitting name than mate. It captured the emotions between them, what they meant to each other. And she liked it. It had a ring to it. Lovers. She liked it.

They must have been a strange sight, one wolf looking up, head tilted all the way back, and the other hanging down. But it was the way things had always been; their size difference had meant that Gargoyle always looked down and Ocena always looked up. But she adored his height. It was just another thing that made him perfect. "Hello, my darling." She stretched upwards to let her tongue flick against his chin, a smooth movement to close the distance between them, if only for a moment before she let herself rest against the earth once more. Her heavy stomach seemed to weigh her down, to bring her closer to her Mother Earth. "I love you, you know." The words were soft as Ocena gazed up at him, a reminder of something that he had known for a long while now. But it was something that she wanted to say anyways, something that would always be a part of her, now. She would always love him.

And he would always love her. It was one of the few things that she was certain of in life. The world would keep on turning, and Gargoyle would keep on loving her, and she him. It made sense to her. "You look ridiculous like that," The female observed gently, but it was at odds with her thoughts. She wanted nothing more than to curl up against him and take comfort in his presence and his pups, which distorted her body once more. But though the waddling was awkward and she felt ridiculous, Ocena was certain that these pups would be a reminder, a consummation of their love once more. They were lovers, after all, and what were lovers who didn't take comfort in the bodies of each other, even if only in the most innocent of ways.

TAG: Gargie NOTES: they so cute