
Red Hot Gardener

Rekaru Island


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-01-2021, 03:45 PM

Once Chimera had returned home for a short interlude before he had to leave again, Aliana took advantage of having the bridge restored to venture to some of the other nearby islands to gather some herbs not native to Ibon Isle. She had the beehive set up in order to help cultivate the plants they currently had, but it would be nice to expand Siren's herb garden with a wider variety of useful plants. That way they would be virtually self-sustaining and never have to leave the island for anything. Something told her Chimera would appreciate that effort. So she ventured out, mostly interested in medicines for common ailments, pain relief, pregnancy aids for Viper, and contraceptives. Everything a young, virile brute like Chimera could ever require them to need.

Ali meandered across Rekaru Island bound for Inu and the mainland, mentally running through a checklist of things she needed to get while she was out. She would only have a short period of time for which to shop before Chimera would lose patience with her and come looking for her, no doubt with violence in mind. Despite her status as an indentured servant to him, fleeing in this rare moment of freedom never even crossed the young woman's mind. She had long since accepted the fact that Chimera would hunt her down and kill her if she tried to leave. But why would she? He cared for her, and aside from the few healing bite marks and scars he'd left on her in her few months of service to him, he treated her well enough. Dainty white paws carried her almost silently across the arid terrain, noting all of the strange lizards about the place. The only greenery on the island also seemed to come from a cluster of young bamboo, all bunched together as if it had been planted there manually. Ali silently wondered if this was where Chimera had gotten the materials for her beehive from.

Walking past the bamboo, Aliana noticed another wolf amongst the green stalks. He was youthful, close to about her size, though clearly still a puppy and would no doubt grow into a massive wolf. He was a striking black against the bright green, adorned with fiery scales and glowing eyes. Atop the boy's crown grew a set of young, curling ram horns, black like his coat. Ali's gait slowed, taking in the sight of the wolf with awe. She'd never seen a being quite like him before! Judging by his scent, he was one of the pack as well. It was impossible for her to not stop and watch as the boy pruned some weeds from around the bamboo, tending to the garden with a proficiency that made her wonder if the pup was a healer in training or just a dedicated gardener.

Oh, but she mustn't address him! Chimera had warned her about talking to any of the other wolves in the pack unless approached first. Despite how intrigued she was, Ali was dutiful to a fault, and instead averted her eyes and bowed her head while she continued past him, not wanting him to notice her gawking at his splendor and mistake it for a challenge.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.