
But what if?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-02-2021, 11:29 AM

Ulric wore a small smile while he waited for Eska to evaluate herself and after a moment of thought she told him that she had felt sick that morning and had gotten sick. His smile faltered slightly no matter how hard he tried to hide the slight panic that crept over him. He remembered Azariah's symptoms vividly when she had been pregnant with their children and he remembered those weeks of morning sickness and desperately trying to find anything she could eat and keep down. His ears flicked uncertainly and he settled back on his haunches, wondering to himself if he should call Gwynevere back over to do another exam - this time focused on whether Eska was pregnant or not. He hadn't mentioned it to Eska purely because he didn't want to cause any extra worry, but he felt like it was inevitable now.

He sighed softly and he let go of the veil of calm he had been trying to hold on to, revealing the worry that was thinly hidden underneath. "Eska... Do you think... Do you think you could be pregnant?" he asked softly, his ears folding back against his skull. He was worried and nervous over the possibility, but it also fueled the pure, unbridled hatred he felt for this black and blue bastard that had done this. He had already begun to think through the possibilities of what they could do if she did turn out to be pregnant, but none of them were really possibilities he enjoyed. Forcing himself to be a father to the children that had been born from a rape didn't sound like something he could feasibly do, but he had also already seen too many dead puppies for one life time because of Aranea. But if they didn't chose one of those options then what would they do? Drop them off somewhere else? He wasn't sure he could do that either.
