
A future so bright it's dazzling




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-02-2021, 01:04 PM

She had been steadily growing larger day by day, but in the last week or two the changes had really begun to become more noticeable as she moved into the last few weeks of her pregnancy. She was grateful that she was a large wolf so she wasn't quite so disproportionately round as some women tended to be, but she was still very obviously pregnant at this point. Her belly was large and round with their growing pups and it was difficult to avoid at least a little bit of a waddle to her steps. Ever since bringing Irilyth into their lives, she had put the woman's healing knowledge to good use and let her take the lead in monitoring their progress and checking that things were progressing well. From what they could tell there was two large pups making her this way. The fact that there was only two pups did make certain thoughts come to mind - but she wouldn't allow herself to get hopeful. Twins were so incredibly rare in her family and were hardly ever allowed or considered that she pushed the thought away before it could even begin.

After the day that she found Irilyth out on the prairie she had decided to stay here rather than continue to live in the cavern by the beach. This place provided much easier access to prey animals and there wasn't the constant flood of water with the in coming tide to deal with here. She had sent Alastor and Irilyth back to the cavern to fetch the pelts and supplies they had collected the next day and over the next couple of weeks she had spent a good bit of time perfecting the small cave that was their new home. She had dug out the walls a bit more into the hillside, widening the space slightly and evening out the walls. A large pile of plush furs made up a huge bed that covered a large portion of the space, the collection of them only growing with Alastor's frequent hunting and only getting more plush and luxurious to lay on as time passed. She dug out a few "shelves" into the wall along one side, giving them a place to store things - specifically any herbs that Irilyth collected. She encouraged her handmaiden to improve her skills, knowing that having a knowledgeable healer on hand was a helpful thing to have.

Once she had a pair of heavy, oiled skins hanging over the entrance of their home to block out any wind and rain she was satisfied with the shape it had taken. There was perhaps more work to be done and improvements that could be made, but she was getting too large to consider anything that was more intensive than moving and adjusting the furs and supplies around the den. She was currently laying on her side in a thick patch of grass on top of the hill their cave as set into, looking out over the prairie while she basked in the warm sun, leaning on one elbow to keep her upper half upright. A shift and movement from their children wriggling within her made her ears perk and she looked down at her stomach where she could see the subtle movement they made under her violet, swirled fur. An adoring smile pulled across her features and her tail thumped gently agains the ground. She was counting down the days to their birth, so incredibly excited to see what she and Alastor had created.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny