
From The Start




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2021, 02:14 PM

The male was silent, but helpful. So Serenity couldn't complain. She didn't mind quiet, she could be the same way too. It seemed easier that way too while they were working, maybe they could talk more after. She would enjoy it, but she wouldn't have cared much if they went their separate ways either. She had been more secluded in herself anyway, so she didn't expect for others to do all the work for her in making relationships. There was always another day to make friends, or another wolf.

She nailed in a couple metal pieces while she was under the cart to keep the wheel axles in place but so that the axles could still roll. When she came back out from under the cart, she grabbed the large "U" shaped planks of wood that had already been put together and pointed to the other end so that the male could grab the other side and help her carry it to the front of the cart. She figured he would get the hint and hold the part of wood in place for her again while she nailed it to the rest of the cart.

Once that was done, she grabbed the long strap of leather that they needed to tie around the "U" shaped part of the cart on each side. She handed Dunkan one side of the leather strap, and started to tie her side onto the bar of the front of the cart. She figured he would be able to watch her and do as she did, but she would have helped him without complaint if he needed it. She did nail a couple more nails into the leather straps after they were tied just for the extra support, but with that the cart was finished.

She stepped back, looking at the final creation. It could use a few more things just to make it look pretty, but she would have to go find more supplies and she could do that another day. The cart was sturdy and usable, she pushed it with her body and made it roll backwards a couple feet just to make sure it was usable. She shrugged, it was good enough. She was happy. She turned to the brute that helped her, "Well, hey. Thanks for your help." She started to push the cart backwards again, just to get it under the shelter of the castle in case it rained or anything else, it didn't have to move far for now. "Dunkan, You said is your name?"

Intellect Seasonal Prompt (Building A Cart)

Total Word Count: 1554 words (Met)
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk"