
my momma done told me



08-04-2013, 11:22 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica heard her mother's words and, if anything, hung her head even lower. Her cheeks burned, her ears felt as stiff as wood. She couldn't help it. She was scared to tell the story - it was long and dangerous and, well, started with her directly disobeying her father's instructions not to go out alone. But that was only a part of it. Mainly it was because of the wolf she'd met. How was she to begin to tell about the grey hunter or how they'd saved eachother's lives. No matter how she put together words he would come out sounding no different than any of the other murderous rogues they'd had to deal with. ...Maybe he wasn't. But no no she didn't want to believe that. Her mother's words had given her hope for him.

And that was when her mother brought up Gargoyle. Again. Why did she keep doing that. Orica's head popped back up at the strange question. She cocked it to the side as she started going over the tales she'd been told by her various family and packmates. Crusadie was the main source of all this information. Orica still hadn't really made up her mind on whether the one eyed wolf was her second mother, her aunt or her grandmother, but she did know for certain that she was a good storyteller. "Well," the girl began. "I know he met you on the border of one of the old Glaciems. And I know you guys all went through da big explosion together. Oh! And it was after that that Daddy was asked to be Chief of Glaciem and he has been ever since - no matter what that brown lady said."

Had Orica been any younger, she would've left it right there. Simply awaiting praise for all that she knew. But she was smarter now. Her thoughts and feelings and senses had at least a little more depth. She was trying to figure things out - not just what was said by why things were said. "Momma... why are you bringing up Dad? He wasn't..." she hesitated. This was silly. Ridiclous and worse than that - it might get her into trouble. But... something told her to ask. "He wasn't some kind of... bad wolf was he?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth she stiffened, getting ready to flinch from the gasp of hororr that was sure to come from her mother at the very idea. Orica knew that her grandaddy Drake had been a bad guy once, but somehow that was still just a story.
