
Breathe Freely




3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-02-2021, 06:05 PM
Chrystelle watched Ocean lean into Aslatiel and she smiled softly looking at them both. Seeing Ocean smile warmed her and even though she'd forever owe Aslatiel for rescuing her from the harsh northern temperatures, she thought she might be the most grateful for the happiness she seemed to bring her brother. She hadn't been sure what to think at first, but at the end of the day she just wanted Ocean to be happy and as long as she still got to be a part of his life then she would be content. She nodded in agreement to Ocean's thanks, smiling a little wider. She didn't know what had made this connection between her brother and the smaller woman, but she was grateful that she had been brought along for the ride all the same. She nodded again when Asla suggested they get things set up while she got dinner. She grinned a little when she reached up to kiss Ocean's cheek, giving him a curious glance while Aslatiel moved away and disappeared into the trees to go hunt.

Now that she had a moment to catch her breath she got to her paws again and slipped into the den, setting down her bag off to one side and looking toward the furs that were still in good condition if a bit dusty. She took one side to help carry it outside so that they could shake off the dust and clean them up a bit, though she did wonder how much she was really helping with someone as big and strong as Ocean on the other side. She attempted to help shake the fur, though she did finally decide she was more of a hindrance than a help and settled back on her haunches. "You seem to really like her," she commented softly with another curious glance, giving him a smile. "She's an impressive woman." Again, there was a bit of a jealousy there, though she didn't let it show. When they were born their mother was already quite old and certainly no longer the warrior she had once been, but she knew how tough she had been once upon a time. She knew that there was nothing she could do about the way her health had gone, but there was always a bit of a dream of how things might have been if she had been able to follow more true to their mother's legacy instead of being crippled like this.

By the time Aslatiel came back with a doe for them to share the furs were now back into their places and she had started pulling out her healing supplies that she had brought with her and started arranging them so that they would be easier to pick from. Her movements were slow and careful, not wanting to push herself too far and cause herself to have another coughing fit, but she refused to just sit still while Asla was doing all this work for them. She heard the sound of Asla approaching, the sound of the doe dragging on the ground tipping her off, and she rose from where she was sitting within the den and slipped outside again, blinking with surprise at the kill they were brought. She had expected a few rabbits perhaps and this was far more impressive and generous than she would have ever guessed. "Thank you, Asla," she said quietly, in awe at her skills as she gave the smaller woman a smile.
