
Breathe Freely




3 Years
Extra large
08-02-2021, 07:38 PM
Aslatiel offered the two of them whatever they needed and Ocean didn’t know what he did to deserve such effort and kindness from the fawn woman. He had a special affection for her after the short time they spent together. She leaned into him as he sat close beside her. Where their fur touched warmed him, and it wasn’t difficult to invoke memories of the night they met. That wasn’t where his focus needed to be and he grinned down towards her. Make the den to their liking, and then they would enjoy dinner. ”We will,” He promised before she reached up, kissed his cheek, and disappeared into the woods.

Ocean was frozen for a long moment as he savored where Aslatiel’s lips touched his cheek. He couldn’t linger for long and his silvery eyes returned to Chrystelle as she caught her breath and turned into the den. Oce followed after her, helping remove and clean up the existing comforts. Chrys managed to get a soft word in as they shook the furs. He felt his face flush. Ocean had loved Motif, more than he could even say, but he showed Aslatiel that love, and it felt like it had brought them together unlike two strangers should or could be.

”I think I do.” He was transfixed, maybe slightly obsessed but who could blame him? A mysterious beautiful stranger was doing all of this for him. ”She is.” He smiled as he invoked her face in his mind’s eye. They worked in relative silence, but that was fine with Oce, Chrys didn’t start coughing once and he was so grateful for the immediate improvement. He knew she was taking it easy, but after such a long trip and so much dusty cleaning she sounded wonderful.

When he heard the dragging through the woods he led Chrys back out and raced to help Aslatiel drag the doe the rest of the way. It wasn’t a massive creature but it showed the raw physical strength Aslatiel possessed. He again found a grin playing over his features. ”Words can’t express my gratitude.” Aslatiel had saved the both of them in different ways. ”You’ll join us for a meal?” She had been going for longer than they had, to Incendium and back and then catching this deer. She deserved the sustenance most of all.