
Falling like the stars


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
08-03-2021, 09:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2021, 09:33 AM by Sota. Edited 2 times in total.)
Sota had never seen a sky so clear, at least not that he could recall in recent memory. Tonight there wasn't a single cloud to be found overhead, the vast expanse of stars overhead twinkling like diamonds. They were a stark contrast to the dark black sky, and somewhere among the mess stood the moon in all its glory. It seemed even larger than usual, occupying part of his peripheral vision wherever he seemed to look. The sight transfixed the tiny man as he made his way across the plains, his attention largely focused up rather than on his front paws. Fortunately the terrain was forgiving for such a careless journey, a lush stretch of grass that had little in the way of obstacles. Occasionally there might be a few upturned rocks, or clusters of thicker vegetation here and there, but mostly it was consistent - nothing but grass and brilliant stars for miles and miles in each direction.

Once he'd found comfort in the trees, and though he still did, he was learning to grow accustomed to new lands. How his family would've loved the castle, for one! These plains would've been quite daunting to them, though. Something about this place made him feel eerily defenseless, but living among friends had taught him that being vulnerable wasn't such a bad thing. In fact, it could be quite nice at times if you really allowed it. He let out a content sigh as he continued on, head tipped back once again as he thought he saw the tail end of a star streaking across the sky, hoping he could catch another glimpse of the phenomena.

Words: 274

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!