
keep up, keep up, cause I'm not coming down

Sirius <3



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-03-2021, 05:45 PM
I can't destroy what isn't there
The Warlord raised a brow in surprise at the given name. An Abraxas? Was he in some way related to Archon, who had tied his bloodline to the Warlord's found family? He dismissed the thought in favour of the more interesting approaching spar. He grinned at the reddish wolf's words. “Talent before brawn?” he quibed back slyly.

Already he was leaning his weight into his back legs, eyeing his opponent. He was larger than Mephistopheles, but he had less on him then most. He did not delay for any longer than that appreciative glance, before he was charging in. He was always a head-first collision type of fighter, and he aimed to slam his right shoulder into Mephs’s right, bringing them into close quarters.

Sirius Fatalis vs Mephistopheles Aman Abraxas for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: 1+
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Front leg bracers with knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Back leg bracers
Companion 1: Black Vulture, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: Snow Leopard, Female - Battle - Boosted
*Companion 3: Spectacled bear, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 3: Thicker fur - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter
