
Love at First Sight [babies!]



08-05-2013, 01:01 AM

.ooc. I'm thinking that we take them to SIlent's den where she can finish up the birthing process

She was relieved incredibly when the cries of her child reached her ears. She had become incredibly worried after his arrival, when no sound came from him she thought the worst. Song knew she had to keep focused, she had to keep herself from falling into the blackness that threatened to encompass her. She had to stay awake and aware for her pups, Dhiren was not her only one, and if she were to go by the pains that continued to contort her body she was far from finished.
Before Loccian could answer her, another form materialized into their presence. It was of one she had not seen for a couple of weeks but she would have been able to recognize him easily. Bronze found himself in the middle of her predicament, quite willing to help as much as he could. Which wasn't a whole lot considering. "Loccian, Song," his head tilted back to let out a cry that was much more impressive than Song's pitiful one. She nodded her head in greeting, but her attention was quickly pulled away from him. Another contraction ripped through her, and with it a moan of pain through her lips.

Maybe it would be okay if she slipped into unconsciousness, just drift away and forget about everything that was happening to her. She would sleep through the storm and the awful pain that would not go away. She almost listened to the voice telling her to just let go, but then the soft whimpers of her newly born son woke her from the daze. She just couldn't let herself lose sense of reality, her babies needed her to stay strong. With effort she looked to the pale being seated only feet from her, Bronze, please I need to get out of this rain.. Her hoarse voice was barely audible, she longed to be in a dry place. Where is Silent? Please take me to her...

She summoned her strength, which was draining quick. With considerable amounts of effort she pushed herself upright once more. She was determined to find a better place to birth her children. Preferably in the presence of her adopted mother. Silent would help, she would comfort her and give her the strength she would need to finish the birth.
