
From The Start




Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-03-2021, 09:31 PM
He watched her work, quite impressed by her abilities, abilities he had to admitt didnt have or atleats not practiced. He has been so focused on fighting his whole life, that he had forgotten that there were more skills than just kicking butts. And he also took note of her, she had a quite unique pelt pattern, browns mixing up into her frame. She was taller than him, it didn't bother him in any way. He was used to be around larger wolves. He knew he wasn't the biggest but he never let that bother him. He could fight anyone and even if they were twice his size he didn't fear.

Then, she handled him the other piece and just like she did, he started to do the same. He wasn't doing something as good, he was just learning. "Like this?" He asked calmly, still with the cold expression, but not as hostile as it would have been in the past. And now that he thought more on it, he was doing well around someone else. He wasn't being as ugly as he used to, not being a grumpy wolf.

After a good while they were done. "It was my pleasure to had helped you." He said tryna my his best to sound nice. Not dry as always.

"Yes, I am Dunkan. Have you been here long?" He guessed small talk could be a good start. He wasn't an expert in the "art" of the conversation. He sometimes didn't know how to act or speak like a normal wolf.

Narrative. "Dialogue." 'Monologue.'
Art by Cullishare
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.