
Could This Be It?


08-05-2013, 06:52 AM
Claire Aobhinne

The howl, when it rang out, should have been just one of many, just another one summoning her Alphas to the border. Chrysanthe was still the only one that she had met, but thus far, Claire did like Valhalla. It filled the emptiness that hung heavy in her chest without her brothers around. Well, it came as close as anything had, anyways. But that howl. Her head swung up and ears pricked attentively in the direction of the sound. Could it be...? Surely she was getting her hopes up. Surely she was, because there was no way that they had found her when they had been separated for so long. She was imagining things. It wasn't Caerul howling, and when she got there, it would all be some cruel trick.

And yet Claire found herself stirring anyways, her paws carrying her smoothly across Valhalla's territory. She moved easily from one edge to the other, her heart thudding wildly in her chest as she moved. Her brothers were here. The thought ran wild in Claire's mind, though she tried to clamp down on it, to tune it out and force it away. It surely wasn't them, and when she arrived there, she would see that and have her hopes dashed. And yet, Claire found herself hopeful anyways as she approached, nostrils flaring as a chaotic mess of scents hit her nose. Aunt Erani, Father, Surreal, and... She listed the names off to herself, hesitating only when she began to pick up on scents of other family members. Was it?

That was when Claire broke into a run, each stride eating up ground as she practically flew forward, skidding to a stop when her gaze focused upon the reunion. "Brothers," She almost choked on the word, and it was difficult to remember how to make her body work. Oh gods, she loved them. The dainty female took a hesitant step forward, her eyes wide as she surveyed each and every one of them in turn. They were unharmed. They were all right and they were here! She could have skipped in that moment, if she could remember how to make her legs work.
