
Because Of You



08-05-2013, 07:33 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica heard the "yes" and just as importantly, she saw the tear. She felt just a strange sensation at the sight of it. Did he- did he really mean it that much? When anyone cried she was struck with the urge to hug them and cuddle them and make sure they were alright, but now she couldn't help but what to grin. Because it meant that he was reachable. He was listening and he was feeling and he would let her help him. He was starting to fight his own battle - it wasn't just her imagination and wild hopes.

"Then it's decided," the girl murmured. "You're best when you're with me Demyan so with you I'll stay." She said it so casually. They both knew it was true; neither had to pretend. Though Orica was still unaware of the depth of the feelings the male held for her, she certainly understood their presence. "However," she trilled quietly, "I can't bring you back to my home. Not- not after this." Perhaps she could be considered naive by some, but she was not that trusting. It was the job of a medic to put their lives on the line for those who needed them, but they didn't endanger other lives knowingly. Orica wanted to trust Demyan, of course, but when it came to her family and her packmates and the litters of puppies that were soon to be born - no she wouldn't be taking any risks. Of course that left only one option. "But if you can't come to me, then I will come to you." She knew what she was saying. She knew how heavy it was. She knew what it entailed, but she'd made up her mind. She'd made up her mind back in the snow with Bob and Cana before she'd come running after him. If there was a spark worth saving, she would save it. End of story.

It had been her mother who had told her there was hope after all. They'd spoken after Orica had first met Demyan and the girl had asked advice from her mother - wondering aloud whether a good wolf could turn bad, or a bad wolf good, and how in the world one was supposed to tell. Orica had recieved some good wisedom, and then some. But more than that, it had told her that her instincts were the same as her mother's. She could trust herself to make the decisions that had to be made. And that was what she was doing now. "I'll have to say goodbye to family of course," she explained, half to herself and half to the male. "I'll tell them I'm wandering off to practice my healing craft and learn more about the world. I'm a year old now, they'll understand. And besides it's not forever-" she looked straight and true at Demyan "-just until we know you're ready." It might take only a season, it might take as much as a year, but Orica was prepared to stay with him until his darker instincts began to subside and fade. Already his conscience had grown by leaps and bounds. And he'd said yes! He was willing to let her help him, and for Orica, that was enough to give her hope. It was enough for her to leave her family and become a loner with him.

Well, of course, they wouldn't really be loners if they had eachother. "I'll watch out for you, and you can watch out for me," she said gently, unknowingly echoing the words said by her mother to her father many years ago.
