
Turn To Dust Or Gold




Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
08-04-2021, 08:02 PM
Though he'd had much less fighting experience than her, Bronze was determined to continue practicing. He didn't want to only fight his siblings though, worried he might not really use his full strength against them. Imagining hurting them, even accidentally, really didn't sit well with him. He doubted he could really do much damage to Onyx though, who was even more tenacious than he was. He couldn't help but be impressed with his sister's strength already, despite their age - they weren't even yearlings yet. Sometimes he had to remind himself to slow down, that he was supposed to be.. having fun and figuring out who he was. The latter was definitely something he was already beginning to struggle with, even if he didn't quite have the words for it.

Slowly he settled to his haunches not far off from Onyx, tail flicking and kicking up a bit of sand behind him. "Yeah, I don't know about swimming. Maybe it'd be fun somewhere else." Even the water just looked cold. It was stark deep blue, stretching on endlessly and contrasting sharply with the pale grey sky. Onyx admitted she wasn't here to swim, but looking for something cool. He wasn't quite sure what that was, but he was willing to try to help if that was what she wanted to do. "Hmmm," he hummed thoughtfully as he headed away from her, poking away at the shore. So far there wasn't much of interest - the occasionally piece of driftwood or shell, though some looked a bit cooler than others. After a bit of walking he saw something odd though, poking out of the ground. He paused to dig at it, despite how cold the damp sand was. It was some kind of rope, just a small piece of it, though he dug until he unearthed it and flung it over toward Onyx.