
Tango, Foxtrot, Delta




2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
08-04-2021, 08:06 PM

As they'd passed the mangrove, Bug had fled the adventuring pair in search of something to eat. It was definitely an excuse to avoid hanging around with a stranger, but Bog didn't mind too much. When he'd dropped his little buddy at the outskirts of the mangrove, he had stashed his mask in a well hidden alcove in the branches of a mangrove tree where it wouldn't get waterlogged. He felt safe enough with his new friend that it was just weighing him down now. It took a fair bit of work to keep up with Jynn's long legged strides, but he was thoroughly enjoying the workout. Once they hit the edge of the delta, the tall fae slowed her pace to drink in the sights. With the sun overhead, the water glittered like a thousand scattered gemstones. The curving sandbars and sparse vegetation were certainly a strange feature, and he wished he had taken more time to check it out the first time around. "Hey, that looks like it would be neat to check out." Jynn called out, already moving to investigate a little island that stood among the furthest sandbars. He could see the oasis that stood at its centre, and found himself equally intrigued.

"Race ya!" he barked, taking off in a dead sprint towards it. Hopefully the slight head start would give him a chance against Jynn, who would probably fly through the water easily. He leapt between shallow portions of the delta at the start, scanning the waterline for lighter portions that could mean there was sand close to the surface. The further he got from the start of the delta, the deeper the water became, and the wider the distance between sandbars became. It wasn't long before he was frantically paddling through the narrow streams of brackish water in a mad dash for the island.

"speech" thinking "others"