
Small comforts


08-04-2021, 11:55 PM

Iris smiled softly and dipped her head gratefully to Sirius' praise when he agreed that it was good for her to be pursuing her healing skills. It was the one skill she felt confident about bringing to the pack and it seemed to be a good way for her to contribute so she figured it certainly couldn't hurt to be refreshing her knowledge and sharpening her skills. Once he confirmed that she would be Zee's handmaiden as well as her healer and companion she smiled a little wider and nodded. She had been trying to imagine what the woman she would serve would be like and she was happy that it turned out to be someone that seemed nice like Zee. Of course they had only known each other for a few moments so it was hard to judge, but she was hopeful.

Her eyes shifted back to Zee when she mentioned the possibility of her teaching her about some healing techniques and she grinned, giving her an eager nod. "Of course! I would be honored." She didn't believe that she was the best healer around and she had to assume that there were probably more knowledgeable healers around in the pack, but it was still nice to know that Zee was interested in learning from her. That felt like a topic they could use to get to know each other better as well. She obviously hadn't gotten the hint that Zee gave to Sirius and her smile faded into confusion when her new mistress turned her attention more directly at Sirius and asked him about leaving her intended mistress empty handed.

Her blue tipped ears flicked uncertainly. Intended mistress? Regifting? Was she not supposed to be given to Zee? She shifted uncomfortably at the tension and the accusations, glancing back and forth between the Warlord and his wife. She didn't know what to make of it all and she was certain that it wasn't something she should be putting herself in the middle of, but she wasn't sure if she was allowed to leave either. She could tell Zee was tired even just from how she was holding herself and she was sure whatever drama had caused all of this wasn't helping matters either. She swallowed past a lump in her throat as she found her voice, speaking as carefully and gently as she could manage. "Um... Perhaps, if you're done eating, I should go ahead with your exam so that you can get some sleep," she suggested, hoping maybe she could defuse whatever was building here. Either that or they would dismiss her and either way seemed like a decent option.
