
Only going up from here




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-05-2021, 04:03 PM
Segin nodded, but gave a small shrug when she asked if Indigo was like their alpha, replying, "Kinda like that! It's a lot more relaxed than a pack though and there's less of us too. There's only six of us including me so we don't need a ton of rules, but he kinda makes the decisions on stuff." Hopefully that made sense. It was kind of hard to describe how a band was different from a big, structured pack other than the fact that they didn't stay in one place all the time, but that seemed to sum it up pretty well in his mind. He nodded in understanding when she spoke about wanting to see the world, but that she would miss her family. "Well, I'm sure if you wanted to travel some and then come back they wouldn't mind," he suggested. Not that he knew what her family was like, but as long as she came home at the end of her trip he couldn't imagine anyone having too much issue with that.

He nodded to confirm what she said about Auster being further south and then tipped his head curiously to what she mentioned about a big sand thing that sparkled with different colors. He chuckled and gave a shrug, replying, "Auster is a big place! I traveled around a lot before we came up to Boreas, but there's still a ton of stuff I haven't seen yet! I hope we get to go back so I can explore some more." While they were talking some clouds began to gather overhead and his ears perked when he heard a roll of thunder in the distance. He looked up at the sky with a little frown. It had been constantly raining or storming since autumn came around and today didn't seem like it'd be any different. "Well, I guess I better get back to the others before it starts pouring," he said, offering her another grin. He got to his paws with a quick shake of his fur, adding, "It was good talking to you, Kaija! Maybe I'll see you around again some time! Be safe getting out of here, alright?" With that he turned and went to start making his way out of the briar, careful to not get caught up in the thorns and brambles this time around.

Segin Epsilon