
peace offering



"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022GlobetrotterStatue 2 WorshipOverachieverIsland HopperSmall Fries
TrapperRunning on EmptySocialiteBest BudsRapid Poster - GoldSouthern Explorer
WealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! WinnerBy the skin of my teethAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyOoh La LaVengeanceCritical Observation!Underachiever
ScarredCritical Fail!ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerWordyLoser
Snake EyesDouble MasterLegendaryCritical Hit!1K
08-05-2021, 03:36 PM

Through all the time he'd known her, he'd avoided asking too many questions about her Keepers. To him they were slavers, to Sirius they were slavers. He'd entertained that judgement for over a year, and it was with that knowledge that him and the alpha had no qualms about killing them to protect the koi-wolf they'd given sanctuary to. Had Hana mentioned that they were kind to her? Perhaps, though Azure knew he likely would have dismissed it as some form of Stockholm syndrome even if she had.

He paused, taking in the information and considering it. Azure was making an effort to win back her affections, to regain the trust and comfort she once had with him. As much as he hated to think it, there was a possibility she was not as pleased as he was that the two who came to collect her were dead. "They wanted to sell you, and you considered that kind?" Az kept the accusation out of his tone, addressing her with what semblance of understanding and curiosity he could manage. He continued, hesitant. "..Were you upset to hear we killed them?"


Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.