
the movie fern gulley is unparalleled, change my mind

Gossie <3



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
08-05-2021, 04:43 PM

Paired up with a fellow yearling, albeit a significantly larger one, the mud-hued healer plodded a short distance from the group with his partner in tow. He'd settled into an easy rhythm after a little while, shorter limbs working twice as hard to maintain a pace that wouldn't drag on the larger wolf. By the time they'd set out, it was easily mid-afternoon, and the sun was still high overhead. Not too hot, thankfully, as the season didn't really allow for it. It was warm enough that the frost that might have clung to the ground in the early morning was long since gone, and the dew had evaporated. "I'm not very familiar with the plants around here, are you?" he drawled, verdant gaze flicking over in a ploy to try and read the stranger's expression. Being social wasn't his strongest skill, and often he failed miserably at making friendly small talk. His toothy hunting partner seemed like she was perfectly at ease around here. Her lightly dappled, monochromatic pelt reminded him a little of the stark contrasts of the boy who had stumbled into the swamp a little while back.

Lowering his skull to the ground, he inhaled deeply in search of striking herbal smells. A lot of useful plants had a very distinct smell, and even having no idea of what might be kicking around, he could pick up the earthy tang of... something. He'd left his mask with the rest of his stuff, safe at the site of their initial gathering, he'd been told. It seemed silly to wear it while he was herb hunting, since there wasn't any risk of attack coming from the girl at his side- supposedly. "Like.. y'all probably got dandelions, but I couldn't tell ya for certain what else we might find." he chuckled, lifting his head again to meet her gaze. Though the corners of his lips curved up in a smile,

"speech" thinking "others"