
Show Me What I Can Not See



08-05-2013, 09:32 AM
The call of a new potential member? That was nearly the sound of the howl, but Chrysanthe didn't catch the scent of a total stranger. The alpha was curious, and immediately set off toward the lupine that had called for her. She was not the only one that had been called either - Erani was being called for as well. Perhaps another member of her family was here? It was growing quickly, the Adravendi was impressed about it herself. Yet as she drew closer to the other wolf, she realized she didn't smell faintly of Erani and Cormalin's family either. The alpha recognized her as a Valhallan though, she had been living here among their wolves long enough to smell like she belonged here.

"Hello there." She said simply upon entering the other female's sight. She was a small dark female, who seemed for a moment to be nervous about something. "You are Valhallan, yet I don't believe we have had the chance to speak until now." Chrysanthe's words were a bit more gentle than they would have been with a stranger. This female had been taken in by Cormalin, or perhaps by Thane - either way, she was already accepted, now only left getting to know one of her new members. "I am Chrysanthe, one of this pack's alphas." The female dipped her head in greeting, a warm expression on her face as she introduced herself. Gideon, her mate, ruled beside her - but he would probably show up a bit later if he thought his presence was needed. She commended the male, for attempting to get a better grasp on Valhalla and the way it worked. Including the members within it.