
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-05-2021, 09:44 PM
Segin smiled as Emersyn bashfully took the strawberry from him, constantly surprised by how shy she actually was. She was just such an imposing force in their day to day lives and he knew how skilled she was in fighting and killing so to see her like this it was incredibly adorable. He also often forgot how new physical touch and affection was to her so even though these things felt like second nature to him he never really remembered that they were unusual to her until he saw her react like this. He smiled wider when she immediately agreed that she was glad she had stayed and he especially was too when she mentioned how she probably would have ended up dead if she hadn't. He never would have forgiven himself if he could have gotten her to stay and he hadn't only to have something happen to her. Luckily she had stayed with them and now she was safe and loved in their band together. He grinned and giggled when she mentioned how good at begging he was with his skillful puppy eyes. "It was worth every moment of begging to keep you with us," he insisted, leaning more into her side while his tail brushed her hip, looking up at her affectionately.

He took the strawberry she offered happily, humming happily as he snacked on the sweet berry and watched her take another drink from the bottle of wine. He did the same when she was done, taking longer drinks as his taste buds adjusted to the wine and that warm, pleasant fuzziness started to more firmly set in. He sat the bottle down in front of them again as she thanked him for their little picnic and he smiled sweetly, leaning into her touch as she nuzzled his neck. "Oh you don't have to thank me," he insisted, his face flushing - whether from the wine or from her affections he wasn't sure. "I just really enjoy spending time with you and you deserve to have someone doing nice things for you." He took another drink of their wine before wrapping a paw around her foreleg at her elbow and leaning himself into her, resting his head on the side of her neck with a pleased murr. The more the alcohol settled into his system and the more drunk he became the more touchy he got, although he was pretty affectionate on a regular basis anyway. He just couldn't get close enough to her while his skin was all tingly and buzzy from the wine.

He giggled softly as he nuzzled into her neck, letting his eyes closed while he just enjoyed the warmth of her beside him and the soft feeling of her fur, his heart skipping little beats in his chest. He thought about their time out in the plains by The Hallows castle often and it was easy to let his mind wander there again. He tried to keep them at bay, at least for now, and tried to think of something else to keep him distracted. "If you could have anything in the world," he questioned while reaching for the bottle again, "what would it be? No limitations or conditions, you can have whateeeeeeever you want."

Segin Epsilon