
the movie fern gulley is unparalleled, change my mind

Gossie <3



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
08-06-2021, 04:20 PM

He attempted to curb his disappointment when she shook her head, but he couldn't help feeling a bit useless. He was quite out of his element. Luckily, it seemed he wasn't alone in that respect. "Not this area, but it sure looks green and vibrant compared to the rest of Boreas. Surely we've got some rare herbs around here. I would like to find some marigolds." the tall fae mentioned, and he made a small sound of agreement in his throat. Casting his gaze across the vast swaths of land that seemed to stretch out in all directions, he sought the pale yellow blooms that he was... fairly certain he would recognize if he saw them. "Oh, I think I know those guys. Big yellow blooms, sometimes they've got orange bits too, ya? They're not too hard to harvest." he drawled, following Gossamer's lead and taking a few long pulls from the air around him. It was strangely pleasant to have the various floral scents all around, he rarely got to experience it at home. When the Great Tree bloomed, sometimes it would carry through the rest of the mangrove, but rarely to this extent.

"I think I can smell marshmallow, that's always a good one." he commented, taking a few careful steps away from his companion in hopes he would find the herb in question. Usually it lurked around the edge of the water, he tended to find it clinging to waterlogged soil. It was easy to harvest that way, just pulled away from the mud with roots intact. Easy to replant too, just drop it near the waterline in a half-assed hole in the dirt, and you were set.

"speech" thinking "others"