
My Own Sick Pride




7 Years
Dire wolf
08-06-2021, 04:36 PM

The rain fell down in sheets. In rivers. The precipitation may have bothered some, but Oxx was a water spirit. Hadn't he told the golden goddess as much? He should feel right at home in the rain. That was, until lightning struck a tree right next to him. Even a water spirit knew when he was outmatched.

White paws and long strides took the beast along at a decent clip. Mud squished between his toes, though not all unpleasantly. It kind of reminded Oxx of the feeling of viscera. Guts and tissue squishing up between his toes, staining the white digits red. A pleasant fantasy, though not a far fetched one. Oxx Carpathius had felt blood and bones between his toes numerous times. It was fun stuff.

Lost in thought, Oxx somehow didn't see the pink girl, though he rightly should have. She stuck out like a sore thumb. Having been distracted by thoughts of blood and guts, the slate and onyx brute slammed hard into the girl, his chest colliding with... well, with all of her. She was small compared to him. Bloody hell... were her parents radioactive? What was with that bright ass color? She'd never be able to hide anywhere. How had she not been killed as a pup?  Her coloring just screamed 'Easy Target!' Whatever cloak she'd had draped over her prior had been knocked back by the collision, leaving the pinkness there for the world to see.

Still standing, Oxx stood over the girl, his great neck curling so that he could look down upon her as she stood in the mud. "You should watch where you're going," he spoke in his rasping, growlish tones. There was a faint smile on his face, however. Oxx was a little bored. When he was bored, he got creative. Brows drawing together as though he was angry, Oxx snapped his jaws right beside the girl's face.  The dire brute curled his tail high over his back and stalked towards her, slamming his chest into her again. Would she take the bait? He bloody well hoped so.

"Oxx Carpathius"

WC- 348