
Might Have To Tell Me Again




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-06-2021, 07:32 PM

Serenity listened to Ulric intently, even if it didn't seem that way. Her ear flicked in his direction while he spoke, but she was having a hard time actually looking at him. It wasn't easy to hear, and she was sure it wasn't easy to tell. But even without looking at her father, she could tell that they were alike in some ways. She wasn't emotional, not publicly. And brushing things off like they were nothing, making others feel like everything was okay, it was easy for her. She didn't want anyone to worry about her, especially now that she actually had others the care about. A real family, something she never had before.

They kept walking along the wall while she listened to the traumatic story. The unknown, it was probably what killed him. Did she abandon them? Did she die? There may be a time they never knew. Ulric could die without knowing, but she hoped that with his life moving on in different directions it wouldn't be the last thing on his mind when the time came. "I... got closure." She confessed. It was hard to even get words out when they first met and it was still hard. There was a bottom line to get across, she wasn't ready to give details. She didn't think Ulric even needed it ever anyway, "My mother left, she didn't want me. I know what happened. It's easier to know, it's easier to move on that way." She added, glancing at him for a second before her eyes wandered back down to the trail of her paws. She wasn't really giving him advice but maybe just a glimpse of her life, or her childhood. But it wasn't the brunt of it. But somehow she was here for him if he needed her, and she felt the same of him.
