
Spelunking and Thunderstorms [AW Nav]



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Navigator (50)

5 Years
08-07-2021, 12:22 AM

She’d only taken a few steps before a voice, female, called from somewhere ahead. Curious, Legacy hadn’t smelled her—perhaps she’d come from another cave mouth and this cavern went into a tunnel somewhere. The wind was gusting in from behind the yearling, so it must have pushed the other’s scent away from her. The cave ahead felt large—the woman’s voice had a decent reverberance to it.

Still, she stepped forward, keeping her right shoulder to the wall of the cave mouth, further into the gloom, allowing her eyes to adjust as she called back, “Good morning! I hope I’m not intruding ‘t all?”

She finally found the other female, realizing that the woman that had called out wasn’t actually a wolf. Long-legged and large eared, is narrow features and large, violet eyes, the woman before her was, instead, a maned wolf. Legacy’s Chapter had met a small group of them once, when she was about six months old. They’d been an interesting group, traveling traders and full of good stories for a fascinated single child.

Briefly, her bi-colored tail swished at her hocks at the memories, and she offered the woman a smile as she added, “I’m Legacy.”

Finally, her eyes fully adjusted to the darker atmosphere after the brighter morning light, and she took in the cavern more closely, keeping her distance respectful until the other female gave some sign that she was receptive to company.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Legacy speaks with a heavy Irish brogue type accent, but is perfectly understandable as she tends to speak clearly and enunciates well.

Legacy is nearly always clad in her Deer Hide Armor when on outings, mainly because you never know when you'll find an herb to take home. Unless stated otherwise, it's relatively safe to assume she's wearing it.