
A future so bright it's dazzling




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-07-2021, 02:10 AM

She chuckled and grinned when he compared this sweet, tender moment to the other things that had made her crave him with a never ending passion like kissing that dire wolf together when they first met or slaughtering the pudgy girl while he was fucking her to the point of breaking. Both of those things had indeed been incredibly attractive and made her lust after him in a deep, instinctual way, but the love and pride he had in their growing family touched her in a different kind of way. She wanted a mate that was powerful and ruthless and willing to rip the world apart just because she wished it, but what she had always truly craved was a brute that would love her and their children unconditionally. "Yes, maybe even more than those times," she agreed with a grin, giving his lips another kiss.

She wasn't sure what made her so incredibly lovey and tender today. Maybe it was just a part of being pregnant, maybe it was just how incredibly happy he made her, but she just couldn't get enough of this sweet, passionate, tender moments they were sharing. She returned his grin as well as the slow kiss he offered her, smirking as he told her how he could manage anything for her. She murred and tipped her head to give him better access to her throat as he kissed and nibbled across her skin, leaving a trail of electricity in his wake. His paws pulled her tighter to him, but her large belly got in the way. That wasn't a problem for long as Alastor rolled her over onto her other side to that her back was pressed to his chest and stomach and she grinned as she leaned back into him. He gave her everything she ever wanted and needed, even if it was tender, passionate lovemaking after laying here obsessing over their soon to be children.

She was more than willing to give herself over to him while he kissed and nibbled the back of her neck, humming and murring happily while his paws roaming all across her body only added fuel to that ever present fire and desire she constantly felt for her husband. She helped hook her leg back over his as he lifted it out of the way, shifting her his back into his eagerly and bringing one of her paws to hold the one he and slipped under her to hold her tight against him. She gasped and give growls of desire of her own as his body melded into hers, making them one once again, savoring every single moment of this passionate love they shared together as he built her pleasure higher and higher like only he could.

-- fade --

Manea | Temno | Ciemny