
Where are you gonna go when I'm gone?


08-05-2013, 11:53 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2013, 07:13 PM by Epiphron.)

Summer. It was so damn hot it was ridiculous. The heat had driven her into the water and now onto the beach of this island. Her pelt clung to her curves, sand sticking to her wet paws. The cool breeze off the water was welcomed. But the vision that was laid out before her was far more captivating. Ruins of something she had never seen before. Crumbling stone, overtaken by vegetation. It pulled her forward off the beach, further into the heart of the island, rosy gaze sweeping across everything in a quick glance, pausing only for things that caught her attention.

It had taken her well into the afternoon to swim to the island, the heat of the day drying her silvery pelt quickly, drawing her from her explorations back out into the water, drenching her legs and belly in salty ocean water. Cena had not come with her, preferring to stay out of the water and on dry land. Typical feline.

Hues of blue stretched on in all directions, she could barely make out the land form of her home amidst the sea. She didn't want to return yet. Swinging her elegant frame away from the waters, she pushed herself towards the shore, seeking out a spot amongst the warm sand, craving the last of the warm rays to tease her body. Lids fluttered shut, hiding coral gems from the rest of the world.

Shutting her mind to the world, she allowed herself to drift off into an afternoon nap, after all as far as she knew, she was alone on this island. Hopefully it would stay that way. But things never went according to plan. One thing would though. She would find some poor unsuspecting wolf to prey on, to sink her teeth into just so she could hear their cries and pleas, trying to find mercy, but it would be a lost cause. Mercy wasn't in her vocabulary. From the time she was a pup she had grown up a ruthless bitch. She was proud of it, proud of the way her victims looked at her fearfully, knowing it would be their last day, proud of the way she could effortlessly kill. And it was all thanks to her brother. The bastard had given her the taste for blood.

Her stomach rumbled quietly. She was hungry. But for more than just dinner. She was hungry for a hunt, a good hunt. A sneer tugged at her inky lips. She could see her victim now. A little fae, pelt a mixture of ebony and ivory, wide sapphire eyes that were so sweet and innocent. A little medic. Her blood staining the earth forever. It was a glorious picture. One she would live to see. One day.

Cat Talk, Cena Talk,