


08-05-2013, 12:04 PM
He was not sure why they were climbing, but he followed. Diligent, silent, he glanced from his mother's frame to his siblings, waiting for someone to break the quiet, wondering if any of his siblings had been briefed upon their journey. Yet nothing came, no voice cut through the tension, and the children continued their climb. Codeine's paws grew tired, and the difference in the air was uncomfortable, causing the child to frown. Still, he did not whine nor back down, only kept his discomfort to himself, not wanting to look weak before his mother. He wanted to impress her, wanted to please her, and a small part of him wanted to do better than his siblings. To excel, to outshine them in a way that their mother would see and recognize. Pride and superiority were already a part of his mind, flickering traits that would grow within the boy as he aged.

When Morphine stopped, he clambered after her, standing beside her as she looked out at the vast land that they called home. The view was astounding, and it further impressed him that a lot of what he was looking out at was his mothers. Hers, theirs through her, his through all of them. A breath, an exhale, a sigh of pleasure because he was undoubtedly pleased with what he saw. And then the moment was gone, and he blinked, looking up at his mother, his tail giving a good thump before he answered her question. "There's so much out there." He commented, sharing a few of his thoughts with the idolized female as per request.

He couldn't explain it, but no matter how much was out there, he wanted to know how much of it he could take as his own. Perhaps if he lay the continent before the ivory fae that birthed he and his siblings, she would see him the same way that he saw her. "How many others are out there?" 'How many would get in my way?'