
Because Of You



08-05-2013, 02:17 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

If anything, Orica had been expecting questions or a thank you or maybe even a protest that it wasn't safe and she was too young (to which of course she would've been quick to argue) however Demyan's was a much more powerful response than any of that. He told her that he would watch out for her...

"Until my heart stops beating."

At the words, Orica's own heart began to pump a little quicker. Did he know what he was saying? One glance to those cyan colored eyes of his erased any doubt. Orica felt a blush creeping into her cheeks, coloring them pink beneath the white fur. She was too surprised to even bless the dark for hiding it. But her what she couldn't hide were her ears wiggling back nervously and her eyes blinking rapidly. She tucked her chin in her soft white neck fur, unable to meet the strength of the male's gaze... even though she really wanted to. He really liked her, and it touched her little heart to the core. But he was too strong and too good looking for her to start thinking about that. If she thought about how much he liked her, then she might start to wonder about whether or not she really liked him and then if that happened her feelings would get all muddled up and she'd never be able to see things clearly. (Then again, maybe it was already too late for that)

The girl tapped her big bush of a tail against the ground and then rose. She'd found out what needed to know and she'd made her choice, just as Demyan had made his. Now she just had to take care of a few things. "Well then," she murmured in a that's settled sort of way, "I'd best get back to check on Bob and Ca-" But as she started turning around she saw the slim window of light at the front of the cave. And she saw the shireking bundles of snow that were being blasted past it. Blizzard. Well Orica had been wondering if the snow would grow into that. She only hoped that Bob and Cana had made it saftly to the lean to of trees Orica had spoken of. Then again, the two blue eyed wolves were up higher, maybe the storm would pass quickly up top and then disperse into something gentler below. Unlikely but it never hurt to hope.

"Hm." The note came out sharply, and was accompanied by the sound of her haunches hitting the cave floor again. So much for that. "I guess we're staying put for a while." Orica was a northern-baby, she was used to this sort of thing. It could last an hour or it could last three days, but being impatient never did anyone involved any good. Just time to relax and distract your mind to something else. - It gave rise to a trouble thought though; If things had gone another way and Demyan had proven dangerous... Orica would've been trapped, or forced to flee away into a dangerous white-out. - but instead, with the way things had gone, Orica felt much safer, indeed, and thankful that she had someone like Demyan to pass the time with. The only thing she wondered about was that cat.

She twisted her back to bring her head up beside her shoulder and stare back at the spotted feline shape moving in the gloom. "Do you think we're safe here?" she whispered to Demyan.
