
To the new parent



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-07-2021, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2021, 07:42 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)
In the most recent days, Ali had been busy. Busy tending to Chimera and Viper's home, busy doing her best to help cultivate her own herb garden, busy maintaining the island's upkeep while Chimera and Viper had ventured north for business with a rival pack. But lately, Aliana had been busy preparing for the arrival of new puppies on the island. Not long after Chimera and Viper had returned from the raid in the north, Ali began to notice the changes in Viper. They were subtle at first; nausea in the morning, mood swings (which she honestly couldn't tell apart from her usual volatile mood), and a gradual but noticeable swell to her stomach. Although her medical knowledge was limited to what she had learned during her time as merchandise in a window for the slavers, Ali didn't need to be a renowned doctor to know the diagnosis, and even though neither Chimera nor Viper had outwardly confirmed it, she was one step ahead in preparations. Viper was pregnant, and unless she had some secondary lover, Chimera was the father.

Aliana had prepared extra furs for bedding, making sure the bed in the couple's shared bed chamber was extra plush and comfortable for the mother-to-be. Her herb garden, which she'd started simply with Queen Anne's lace and silphium to use as contraceptives given Chimera's proclivities towards faes, she'd supplemented with alfalfa, motherwort, and trillium that she'd gathered when she'd ventured off the island, all in preparation for Viper's delivery. She knew the abrasive woman didn't like her, probably wished she was dead, but Aliana was bound to Chimera, and Chimera had tasked her with tending to Viper as well, and so she would until directed otherwise. It was so strange to her to see Chimera and Viper going about their daily lives as if nothing had changed, however. Chimera continued his work and Viper kept up her routine of morning runs and afternoon hunts and patrols, though many of those involved much more vomit now.

Humming a soft tune to herself, Aliana pruned away some budding weeds from around the herbs she was growing near her beehive, checking on the progress of the plants. They had all taken root and were growing nicely, some of the Queen Anne's lace even budding with little white flowers already! Good, they would be ready in time for the puppies' arrival—and for her first heat season, which she was acutely aware and anxious of was drawing closer and closer by the day.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.