
To the new parent



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-08-2021, 12:21 PM
Aliana heard the heavy footfalls of her master enter the den, turning to greet him with a sweet smile and bow of her head as she had grown accustomed to doing. He looked tired, no doubt having continued to hunt to fill their larders with rations for the approaching winter. It seemed everyone had begun the preparations for the coming winter early, no doubt a response to the awfulness of last year. Though she'd had the slavers to care for her through the rough months, she had not been oblivious to the harshness of the ice and cold that seeped through the caves. She silently prayed that this year would be kinder to all of them, perhaps a little more normalcy, especially given the little vulnerable lives that were about to be brought into the world.

A brush of luxurious fur and taut muscle against her side broke her attention from her work, bright aquamarine eyes catching Chimera as he moved past her. That little contact made her pulse race, her tail giving a gentle sway of subdued delight while memories of Chimera wrapping her up in his arms while he slept coming back to her mind. She gave him a small smile with his back turned to her while he went to bed. Even though he was aggressive and short-tempered, she was happy to have the life he'd given her, and was happy for him becoming a father.

Realizing that they were alone in the den together, Ali decided to take full advantage of being able to cater to Chimera without the vicious glares being thrown by Viper while she did. She had heard the stress in his voice when he'd collapsed to his bed and quietly set down her work, stepping into his bed chambers with a soft clearing of her throat to announce her presence. "Welcome home, Sir," she greeted him in her typical dulcet tones. She didn't ask if he desired anything this time; instead, Ali decided to take the initiative. Anticipate his needs. Aliana sauntered over to her resting owner with a subtle feminine sway in her step, climbing over furs until she was seated beside him. She rested her dainty paws along his shoulders and began a slow, rolling press of massaging pads into his muscles, feeling the tension he carried in his neck and back. The silvered fae resumed her song, humming mellifluous and soft while she eased the tightness from his body.

He had caught something big, she surmised from the scent of saltwater on his fur the firmness of his taut muscles. He had washed, meaning a successful hunt, and he'd dragged a sizable carcass back to their home, resulting in his tense muscles. For a short while, Ali allowed Chimera to relax while she ran her paws over his shoulders, around the base of his neck and along his spine, then moving down the athletic sides of his body, humming the tune he seemed to be enjoying all the while. She marveled at the massive monochromatic brute, unable to help but feel somewhat envious of Viper. Chimera was a catch, and any fae would have fallen over themselves to be with this devilishly handsome brute, but Viper had that honor all to herself, and now had the puppies growing in her womb to represent that. "Oh, I meant to say it earlier, but congratulations, Sir! You and Lady Viper must be very excited." she said with a bright smile, her paws moving down over his lower back, following the ridge of his spine and the slope of his back.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.