
Ψ · Flirting with the Edge




2 Years
08-08-2021, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2021, 09:52 PM by Proteus. Edited 2 times in total.)


son of the sea

The boy stood in the shadow of a drooping tree, eyes on the cascading water before him. His eyes traveled the edge of the water, the way the stone cupped up like jaws, overflowing with water. He admired the way the water rolled down the rocks, rushing into the pool of water below. He wondered of the origin and the end of the river, whether it tucked away into the sea somewhere or ended in a swampland or a river that took it away to some other land, miles and miles away.

There was so much to explore.

He was new to this place, having just arrived across the sea late the previous night. He had found a place of safety to sleep the night and into the day, curled up under the roots of a tree. Now was time for roaming, learning this new land - the time for sleeping had passed.

Proteus was excited. When he had decided to embark on an expedition to find a new home, a new life, it had not been an easy decision. He had a family, friends. Parents who loved him, or so they claimed. Well, that was unfair. Of course they loved him.

Why wouldn't they?

He'd lived two whole years and had made nothing of himself. It was comfortable, sure. He was young, was able to do what he wanted when he wanted without too much of a problem. What life was that, though? There were no pressures to learn, to grow, to achieve. He couldn't have, even if he had wanted to. In his birth pack, there was no room for ambition. You had you place from birth and that was that, no rising the ranks though it was possible to fall. His parents worked very hard to ensure the family was comfortable...

What use was comfort?

He shook out his coat, slipping forward to dive into the crisp water of the pool, fresh water cleaning the salt from his coat. This place was full of opportunity, full of new sights to discover and new wolves to meet. He ducked under the water, closing his eyes and spinning his paws before rising to the surface once more.

Dialogue looks like this.