
Feel It All Slipping Away




2 Years

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-09-2021, 11:49 AM
Spark was not naïve enough to linger at the battlefield, though she spent a decent amount of time in the surrounding lands. She was eager to try her paw at more fights, she was more than aware that she needed to make sure she kept herself in shape and so she lurked nearby the battlefield. Never close enough to risk the eye of an eager alpha but close enough she could mostly keep tabs on the comings and goings of others eager for a fight.

So she wasn't totally caught off guard by the pack scent she crossed that day. Spark decided she wold risk it today, her paws hitting the lands that had long been soaked in lupine blood. The sky above was grey, thick clouds darkening the day and threatening rain for the combat ahead. That was more than fine for Spark, new experiences meant she could only become more experienced in fighting itself and so when the sky opened up, slowly to start at least she simply tapped out her happiness, paws dancing on the ground that she had no doubt would quickly become muddy and slick.

It was at this point that she spotted the young girl. Spark blinked, spotting the child's parent in the distance but otherwise seemingly unworried. The young woman signed out her tone: Cautious, greeting, eager. "Hello," she called out, her tone and face the usual mask, even and unexpressive, "are you looking for a friendly fight?" The girl was younger than herself but not that much smaller, if not a bit bigger. It was hard to tell from a distance but Spark was not concerned. She was aware of the child's father but had no intention of being too rough with the girl unless she had to, to defend herself. Spark blinked the rain from her eyes, feeling the ground under her paws, her body tensing as she prepared to respond, should the young girl accept her implied challenge.

WC: 328 (725/1500)


Image by Honrin