
the one and only


08-05-2013, 03:46 PM

As he lay here beside her he wondered if the moment could get any better. Granted, he had been on a bit of a power-high given his newfound rank as King which had certainly not dampened his mood in any way. Still, he knew that even if he weren't King - or even prince for that matter - he would still be blissfully happy alongside his pregnant wife and unborn children sheltered within her womb. What expectant father wasn't overjoyed every moment that his wife grew more and more with child? It was a whole new experience for him, and one that he was certain he was ready for - even if that was his excited mind talking and not his actual knowledge. In truth he knew very little about raising children, but he suspected they would figure it out together - with some help from the Kingdom. The fruits of their love would be raised by all of Seracia, and loved by everyone under his command - of this he was absolutely certain.

As she nudged him he allowed his throat to vibrate affectionately, resting alongside her with a contented sigh. I'm wonderful now that you are here, he crooned gently. He nibbled gently at her crimson stained ear, pausing to lick at it when he was through. Are you very uncomfortable, my Queen? He knew there wasn't much he could do, because in reality he knew nothing about pregnancy or children.. but it couldn't hurt to ask how she felt, right? He wondered if she resented his ability to go and do as he pleased, while she grew heavier and more labored with his children, but he knew she would understand that he had to remain active as a King. Eyes roved to the more accentuated curves of her stomach, while his muzzle followed suit, gently tracing over those same curves with the gentlest of kisses.
