
The Once and Present Kings


08-05-2013, 03:59 PM

To say that he carried himself with more pride than before would be an understatement, but such was the way of the recently crowned King. He was proud not only for his newfound power, but for his newfound role as expectant father. So much authority had been placed upon him, and rather than to shirk this responsibility as the once-flighty prince might've done, he accepted it and intended to take it in stride. So far things had been simple enough, save for a few instances that he'd had to deal with. Overall though, his life was better than it ever had been. He worried about his father, but he knew that Gerhardt needed time on his own to get his head on straight and process the events that had occurred. Maverick had to admit that it deeply affected him - the events that transpired - but he was trying to keep them in the back of his mind rather than in the front where they might dampen his mood. Seracia had no room for a despondent and depressed King, which was precisely why he had been promoted so swiftly. His father would be taking this rough for a while, and it was Maverick's job to keep it together.

A deafening howl painted the air of Seracia an interesting hue. The King froze in his tracks, a forepaw suspended in air as his head raised and his nostrils flared. The caller was too far off to give off a scent, but his howl was suspiciously familiar. The russet monarch picked up his pace again, adjusting his pathway to lead him to the border where the sounder stood. As he traveled he racked his brain, interested in just who it was that sounded so eerily familiar. As he neared, a smile traveled across his lips, for a mountain rose up in front of him in a place where ordinarily land was flat. Gargoyle, the King of Glaciem was at his borders. The mountain had come to Seracia. Welcome, welcome Gargoyle! His tone was not unlike his father's when greeting a friend. The notes were chipper and genuinely glad in nature. The smile remained on his lips as he paused his pacing a few yards in front of the much larger male. Please, enter my Kingdom. A note of pride rang out in his lyrics, emphasizing his ownership of the land that he could now proudly call his. He wondered if Glaciem knew of the change in leadership, though he doubted they would given that the two packs had not gathered together in some time. It was a shame really, that their closest allies were so far from their hearts as of late.
