
every rose has its thorn



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-09-2021, 04:34 PM

The woman gave yet another elegant rosying of the cheeks and Oxx felt his desire soar. She was too pure. Too perfect. To look upon the caramel cream fae was to look upon the very gods themselves. And yet it seemed that she believed he was the deity here. It was all too funny and, thanks to Oxx's sense of humor, he got the joke.

As the fae's delicate vocals met the ears of the lecherous man, the excitement almost made his teeth chatter. Once prostrate before her, the giant lifted himself to his full height, towering over the minuscule, dainty woman. "And the name that goes with such mind bending beauty?" Oxx's voice was a soft rasp as he closed the distance between them, his steps slow so as not to spook the woman. She had given him permission. It was something that he rarely asked for. Had she denied him, he would have listened, so enraptured was he by her beauty.

As he stood before her, looking down upon her diminutive frame, one massive paw lifted and extended towards her. Oxx's toes flexed and his claws curled inward as he fought his baser urges. How easy it would be to rip this seraphim to shreds. To consume every piece of her body so that he would forever be blessed as being the last creature alive lucky enough to see her. Oxx felt his throat tighten and his teeth clench as he imagined her flesh and blood sliding down his throat into the awaiting cavern of his stomach. The heavens would open and angels would sing as he devoured her.

In the end, Oxx's paw loosened and, rather than bring the woman to his awaiting jaws, he gently cupped one delicate golden cheek. Still playing the part, Oxx gasped lightly. "You are no figment of my imagination but a real flesh and blood fae." There was wonder in his voice, but it was all for show. And then, feeling adventurous, he used that same paw to tip the fae's muzzle upwards. Oxx claimed her lips with his own, his dark eyes narrowing to paper thin slits as he slid his tongue into her maw.


Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.