
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-09-2021, 11:26 PM
Segin had planned this little outing for Emersyn's benefit, wanting to make her take a break and enjoy herself for a little while at least, but the longer they laid here the more he was realizing how much he had needed this too. He thrived off of that physical affection and attention and with Indigo understandably upset at what had happened with his sister it had left a gap in what he normally had as part of his daily life. Taking this time with Emersyn just reminded him of how much he enjoyed being around him and it felt like he was being recharged with every little affection she returned to him. His eyes closed and a grin pulled across his face as he savored her cheek resting against his forehead, her tail brushing his waist, the feeling of her pressing a kiss to his forehead. He wondered how much of her affections were freely given because of the wine and how much of it was because she was getting more comfortable with him. Either way, he could tell a difference between now and how she had been their first time alone together and it made him really happy to see.

He was very much feeling the wine at this point, even as he was taking another drink while he was listening to her answer. Everything felt warm and fuzzy and he had no doubt that if he tried to stand right now he'd wobble like crazy, but he was having the time of his life right now, pressed into Emersyn like this, speaking quietly back and forth while sharing snuggles and kisses. There was really only one thing that would make this even more perfect, something to relieve this steadily building desire that she sparked in him so easily, but for now he just wanted to think about this very honest answer that he was given. He put the bottle back down after taking a long drink, shifting his gaze up to look at her thoughtfully while she talked about wanting to have a family with a nice home filled with loves that loved her. A real family.

He blinked with surprise at that, but it struck a chord deep in his chest that made his expression quickly show the emotion the idea brought to the surface. He remembered the conversation he had with Duchess a while back during one of their exploration trips about wanting pups and it was something he had thought about pretty often since then. He hadn't thought about the when or the how or even the why too much, just the idea of having children and getting to rewrite the script that was created by his own father and be the parent that he never had. He loved the sweet innocence of pups and the thought of having that around him again warmed his heart. Emersyn took the thought even farther than that, growing the idea into a whole family with a real home. He wasn't sure he even understood what a real family looked like, but all at once that's what he wanted more than anything.

Segin reached up to wrap his forelegs around her neck, practically hanging off of her while tears collected in the corners of his eyes, little drunken hiccups sneaking up on him between over emotional sniffles. "I want that toooo," he insisted, pressing his face into her fur as he clung to her. "I've never had a family - not a real family anyway. I had a ton of siblings, but... I never knew my mom and my dad... well..." She already knew the story, she didn't need to hear it again and he certainly didn't want to tell it again either. "But we could do it! We could have a real family!" He lifted his head so that he could tip his muzzle up toward hers, giving her chin a sweet kiss. "Lets have a family, Em. Lets do it, we can make our dreams come true!"

Segin Epsilon