
judge, jury, executioner



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-10-2021, 02:04 AM
In the past week, Emersyn had noticed the rifts and shifts within the band more keenly than ever before. It took Indigo some time, but at last their giant leader was starting to become involved in the group again. Patrol routes that Em had been running doubles on now were taken over the Indy, affording the dusty violet fae some much needed rest. Between Indy's moping and Duchess being useless as ever, Em had taken on all the patrols, taken over the hunting whenever their food rations got low, brought fresh wood for their fires at night as the days grew shorter and cooler. Never once did she ask for thanks, taking solace in knowing that this was all necessary for the survival of her new family. But the stress and fatigue had been getting to her, as was evident by her usually dour expression she wore about her days. Duchess had thoroughly broken down their family, fractured it into factions with her on one side, everyone else on the other, and Indigo caught somewhere in the middle.

This particular morning, Emersyn had taken some needed rest, allowing Indigo to take the morning patrol while she remained snuggled up in the pile of warm furs with Segin snuggled at her side. Sweet little Segin had been her rock throughout this ordeal, making sure she ate and was taken care of while she looked after everyone else, cuddling with her at nights to keep them both warm, and just always being present so she was never alone. He probably didn't know how much he was doing for her, but Em appreciated Segin beyond words for the support he offered. Feeling the smaller male stir beside her caused Em's eyes to peek open, lifting her head as Indigo called to them all, calling a meeting to order around the fire.

The autumn morning was crisp and chilly, with beads of frozen dew on the blades of grass around them. She slowly unfurled her larger body from around Segin with a weary groan, allowing the brute to get up and smiling when he kissed her cheek. She managed to sneak a quick kiss to his forehead before they headed over to the meeting together. Emersyn said nothing, sitting alongside Segin near the warm fire and almost directly across from Indigo and Duchess, leering at the tiny woman with disdain. It almost felt like she was positioned squarely against the unhappy parents-to-be. She looked to Indy with a raised brow, wondering what this was all about and when she could go back to bed. Gods, she was still so tired...
