
I'd fight the world for you

Siren <3



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-10-2021, 07:09 AM
Being with Dalila was unlike anything she had experienced in her life before, the love the woman showered on her every minute of everyday was almost overwhelming. The devotion, the loyalty, and trust she shared with the woman was different from every other relationship she had ever had. Her affections, her kisses, the way she held her when they were alone, did something to her heart that couldn’t be replicated. She felt complete with Dalila, and she embraced and admitted the love they shared. Siren was happy.

Dalila didn’t know who or what the creatures before them were, but they certainly didn’t look like they were dangerous. Siren stayed at Dal’s side but the pair of them shuffled forward curiously. Ever protective Dalila had Siren stay behind her, just in case, her first priority was keeping Siren safe. She did as was requested of her, pressing her shoulder against Dal’s mottled hip as the pair of them advanced on the mob on the beach. Siren peeked around Dalila’s form as the pup scooted up towards them curiously. Dual toned eyes peered at the odd pup, it was so funny with its flippers instead of feet.

They were barely able to say hello when mom noticed where her pup was. Siren’s eyes widened as the much larger than she expected, creature turned its attention towards the two of them. Dal disrupted her frozen thoughts and jump started her action as she encouraged her to run. Panic filled her voice and Siren started to move. She didn’t often run, she was a princess after all and was taken care of to the point her endurance and physical prowess were non-existent.

She was lucky she could move as fast as she could, the mother sea lion had her in its sights. She pulled her long furred tail to her belly and moved her paws as quickly as she could, just barely avoiding the snapping jaws behind her. She couldn’t look back when she heard the commotion, the sea lion was making its weird barking noises but Dalila’s yelp was almost too much to ignore. Siren’s tiny paws carried her over the sand, hopefully far enough to keep the angry mom from chasing them.

"Siren Primrose Klein"